Should you choose to pay for our product with your credit card, our store is happy to inform that in that case timely receipt of your order is guaranteed.
An average term of forming and dispatching your order is six days (from seven to eleven days in times of highest demand).
As a rule, the vast number of orders are sent without unnecessary delay yet the duration of the process may be affected by probable issues on the side of our suppliers as well as by unexpected difficulties with ordering.
Delivery services available for now are TNT Express and FedEx.
Product return policy
Choosing an “Order now” option on our web-site is followed by the order confirmation, sent by our company to your e-mail. We would appreciate your timely informing us via e-mail about all the changes in your ordering including the cases of its complete cancellation.
You are entitled to return the product within the period of two weeks since the day you actually received it without any additional limitations. Keep in mind that no later than within abovementioned period of time should you let us know about your decision via available